Andrew Michael Andrews

Great Wall

Memories of the Great Wall of China near Jianshangling

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Great Wall Hanging Scroll

A segment of the Great Wall of China, near Jianshangling, slopes down in partial disrepair in the foreground. Behind it, the silhouette of a guard tower looms high on the hill before a clear blue sky. Green foliage fills the space between the segments of the wall. The image is mounted vertical in the style of a Chinese scroll painting, with a red border around the scene and red paper at the ends of the scroll, rolled to resemble rods. The scene is cut from a few layers of colored paper, affording only a rough outline of its major elements.

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Great Wall Tower Near Jianshangling

A tower of the Great Wall of China, near Jianshangling, stands in the center foreground. Behind it, the wall snakes off first to the left, then right and up the hill, then left and up again. In the distance, the wall follows the skyline along the top of a ridge. Green foliage fills the space around the wall. The image is mounted horizontally in the style of a Chinese scroll painting, with a red border around the scene and red paper at the ends of the scroll, rolled to resemble rods. The scene is cut from a few layers of colored paper, affording only a rough outline of its major elements.

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Shalinggou from the Great Wall

A stone bridge with many arches spans the valley between two hills. In the distance, the roadway snakes off toward larger hills at the horizon. Closer to the foreground, a path disappears behind a knoll. Green foliage fills the scene. The image is mounted horizontally in the style of a Chinese scroll painting, with a red border around the scene and red paper at the ends of the scroll, rolled to resemble rods. The scene is cut from a few layers of colored paper, affording only a rough outline of its major elements.